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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  September 17, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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♪ we want war? i don't want war with anybody. i'm not looking to get into new conflict. but sometimes you have to. >> the president's competing interest on iran. big threats or make a big deal? overnight, the supreme leader says talks are off the table. the first impeachment hearing is today for don't expect much as two won't show up. it's election day in israel.
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and a new "snl" cast member fired over comments. hear what shane gillis has to say this morning. welcome to our viewers in and around the world. this is "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. tuesday, september 17th. live here in tell tel aviv and. the president tries to please his hawkish allies, claiming to deal with iran, trying to keep the u.s. out of a middle east conflict. mr. trump stoke along the crown prince of bahrain. and his middle east strategy, if there is one, remained unclear. >> i want mar? i don't want war with anybody.
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i'm not looking to get into new conflict. sometimes you have to. >> officials tell cnn, the united states has determined the attack on the saudis originated in iran. it was not carried out by rebels. and the saudis see that as their 9/11. iran has strongly denied any roll in the attack on the facility. and now, the supreme leader is ruling out anything for pmp. ic? where we are headed? >> scintillating on the military of the back action. the supreme leader of iran, has given a lengthy speech today,
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that rules out any negotiations. he says that the u.s. government wants to make the maximum pressure policy on iran. the u.s. government speaks to make this policy for domestic rivals in the europeans, that the only way to deal with it, is we will not negotiate with if u.s., bilateral or multilateral. he has a small window out there. if the u.s. apologizes, restricts its statements, rejoin the nuclear deal, it can then take part in the multilateral talks right now. what does that mean? it's on a keep back burner.
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that the u.s. is pat chosturing get behind to the table. >> indeed, a flammable situation. >> we are hearing from saudi arabia. saudi arabia, weighing in after days of keeping quiet on the missile attack on that huge oil facility. nic robertson is standing by in riya riyadh. nick, what are they saying? >> they say that the investigation continues. they are inviting u.n. and international experts to join that conversation. they're saying this was an attack on the international economy. saudi arabia is trying to get a building of support. not just having the united
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states at their side, but eventually, trying to build bigger, more global support. despite this, it did not come from yemen. the weapons systems were made by iran. they're not from iran. this is where they discover where they were filed from. they do say their capacity and resolve to respond to this aggression, should not be doubted. this is something they are prepared to stand up to and deal with. trying to get this international support, the diplomatic road at the moment for the saudis. >> great to have you there for this morning, nick. the attacks on the key saudi
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oil facilities saw the oil soaring. let's bring in andrew stevens. the big spike s cooled a bit. up 14%. it has come down. but that's a massive spike in anyone's language. if this increased or priced stays, what sort of impact is that going to have on the global economy. we don't know how long the facility will be out of action. when does it get back to pumping what they need to pump to ease fears and to bring the price down.
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if that doesn't get sorted out, we could see bafrls $rrels, and highle the cost of energy is only going to make matters worse. we know that china is struggling. and terrible numbers coming out of china. all going the wrong way. can it continue to with the trade war. oil prices start hitting them. prices at the pump go up 25% in the next few weeks. it tipple the most analysts say no. but it will depress, push down global economic activity. >> this is a factor.
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at least for american consumers. energy prizes are trending down. now, looks like they will be trending at the white house. the white house, cthree are being subpoenaed to appear before the white house judiciary committee. lewandowski is directing him to show up but not answer questions that took place after trump was ele elected. jerry nadler to keep the ceremonies. workers are picketting across the country. the biggest walkout in a decade.
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talks have been very tense and the negotiations continued friday night. terry gardener, letting union members their health insurance will be paid for throughout the month. they want wages, affordable health care, and job security, and more rights for other employees. >> this is about the middle class. we have to do this now. >> we're fighting for everyone. the making sure we're equal all together. >> the profits could be hurt by $50 million and $100 million per day. the 2020 candidates are taking different aproechls toti. he targeted all of his democratic rivals for their positions on health care.
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>> every major democrat running for president supports a massive government tiakeover of health care. we will always take patients with pre-existing conditions. the republicans will always do that. >> for the record, the republicans and the trump administration are trying to void obamacare. and they have no plan to replace those predispre-existing protec if they succeed. >> elizabeth warren holding a rally in new york city last night. >> there's a lot at stake in this election. and i know, people are scared. we can't choose a candidate we can't believe in because we're too scared to do anything else. >> several of the democratic contenders kicked off the week
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in south carolina. including joe biden and pete buttigieg. >> the superwealthy, in fact, if i'm elected president, you're not going to get the tax cuts you got. i think we should be rewarding work as well as health. >> when i'm president, this president can talk military parades. but i've faced a lot worse incoming than a tweet full of typos. >> the crowd liked that one. and kamala harris went on "the tonight show," last night. >> by now, we've seen the democrats get down and dirty on the debate stage. what about debating trump? you think you can deliver to the commander in cheese puff?
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>> if i face champion, i'm sure it would be a competitive face-off and either one of us could end up on top. >> really? >> no. i would wipe the floor with him. >> we couldn't find another female politician that slow jammed the news. >> she's the first. some highlight a serious shortage of police in one major city. robbery up 50%.
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welcome back. israelis are going to the polls for the second time this year. they hope they can form a new government. sam kiley is live for us in jerusalem. >> reporter: christine, it is all about benjamin netanyahu. and the blue and white party, led by benny gantz, really neck and neck. it's not going to be an instant result. nothing so gratifying as that for israelis. all of the independent opinion polls would indicate, of retract
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ed coalitions. it has been benjamin netanyahu who has set out the narrative. recently, he tried to up the ante significantly. he has scare stories with the number of arab israelis could win 12 seats in 120-seat knes t knesset. and he could annex the jordan valley. only muted support in the united states. lacking the ability to define what it is, that they really stand for. >> thank you very much. almost 9,000 students told to stay home because of an
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online threat against their school. at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher
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doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. it's specially-designed with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. cascade platinum's unique actionpacs dissolve quickly... remove stuck-on food. . . for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. choose the detergent that lets your dishwasher do the dishes! cascade platinum. the number one recommended brand in north america. save it slimeball.onstrating i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move- kim nooooooo! only mucinex has a patented tablet that lasts 3x longer, for 12 hours.
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a robberies are up almost 5 in downtown minneapolis, compared to last year. from july 1st of last year, to june 30th of this year, police received 6,000 priority 911 calls, including sexual assau assaults, shootings and robberies, where they didn't have an officer immediately able to respond. >> because our staffing needs have not been met for many years, and frankly, we're hemorrha hemorrhaging. >> the police chief pushed to add 400 officers by the year 2025. but the mayor says it's not doable because of the budget. >> an online threat forcing schools in oklahoma to cancel classes today. they're working with state and federal investigators to determine the source of threats
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made on social media. over 8,800 students attend the public schools. this comes after students in california were arrested for making threats at their high school. and a former oklahoma student made a threat against her high school. "saturday night live" has fired shane gillis just days after hiring him as a cast member. he had made racist remarks on a podcast as early as next year. the vetting process was not up to their standard. >> gillis said this about his ouster. i'm a comedian that was funny enough to get "snl." that can't get taken away. i was always a "mad tv" guy anyway. democratic presidential candidate, andrew yang, one of
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many that he targeted in his act. he urged him to give him a second chance. >> forgive people, in particularly in an instance, in my mind, it was in a comedic context or a gray area that i thought would be positive. obviously, it's in nbc's hands. they made the decision. >> yang says he will be sitting down with the comedian in the coming days. the president says he wants to make a deal. but big threats seem to come first. can this work with iran? remarks from the supreme leader suggest the answer is no. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more.
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♪ i don't want war with anybody. i'm not looking to get into new conflict. but sometimes you have to. >> the president is staring down competing interests on iran. big threats or make a big deal? overnight, the supreme leader says talks are off the table. the first impeachment hearing is today. but don't expect to hear much from three witnesses, if two show up, on orders from the white house. it's election day in israel. benjamin netanyahu looks to survive again. but can either form a working government. and an "snl" cast member fired for comments. we'll look at shane gillis this
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morning. from jerusalem, tehran, and hong kong. we start with competing interests over iran after an attack on an oil facility. the president is claiming he is eager to deal with iran, desperately trying to keep the u.s. out of a middle east conflict. mr. trump says it looks like iran is behind the attack. one day after saying it was locked and loaded, he spoke alongside the crown prince of bahrain. if there's any strat yi egy, it not clear. >> i'm not looking to get into new conflict. but sometimes you have to. >> the united states has determined the attack on the saudis originated outside iran. a representative for iran, telling capitol hill staffers, it was not carried out by
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rebels. he noted that the saudis view this as their 9/11. that fact does not change the president's willingness to engage with the iranians. iran's supreme leader is ruling out talks with president trump, at least for now. let's go back to tehran. nick paton walsh is there. nick? you don't get a higher voice. he direct lly addresses what so think is the kernel for whatever strength that u.s. has here. he is quite clear there will be no negotiation with the united states at any level. everyone should know and notice this is a trick. by that, he is saying the maximum pressure campaign is designed to force iran back to talks, without pressure being
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lifted off him. he goes on to make sure nobody in his government feels otherwise. goes on to say, all the iranian officials, and others, have unanimously agreed that we will not negotiate with the u.s., bilateral or multilateral. he throws out the possibility of talks maybe at some point down the line. maybe offering the humiliating moment. rejoined the nuclear deal, he may be welcomed on the talks at a multilateral level. maybe amidst all of this, this is the ultimate authority here in iran saying no to that. certainly, in the weeks ahead, things can change. he doesn't address the idea of what would happen if sanctions were lifted against iran.
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but this message is clear. some were thinking that secretary of state mike pompeo was to wlblame without evidence. remember, the phrases originated inside iran, and was fired from iranian territory. there was pressure to get them to the negotiating table. >> nick paton walsh for us. thank you for that, nick. the attacks on key saudi arabia oil facilities are sending prices soaring. let's bring in andrew stevens live in hong kong. andrew, good morning to you. are we going to see more of that today? >> in the trading day, prices are coming off. when the markets opened, the initial reaction was a 20% spike
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in the price of oil. it finished the day about 40% higher and has come off from there. make no mistake, this is a massive jump in the oil price. and the question, which is now being asked and what global economists are looking at, is what is the impact on what is a weak global economy, with a weakening outlook for it, as well. and the outlook seems to be, it depends how long it will take to get back to protection. 5% of the world's oil supply was snuffed out by that attack. that is a massive amount to lose in one incident. the saudis haven't said how much damage has been caused by the attack. analysts say, it has a couple of months to get things back online. this can be -- the short fall can be covered in the short term by strategic reserves, which is all around the world and held by key global economies, including
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china and the u.s., obviously. if it goes longer than that, that $10 oil price spike, that starts to impact on the global economy. like china, germany, and japan, big oil importers in their own right, will get hurt the most. and when those economies start to slow, so, too, does the global economy. >> andrew stevens keeping an eye on the oil prices around the world. the white house is silencing two former aides and an extrump campaign manager. they were southbounded to appear before the white house judiciary committee. they are not expected to appear. lewandowski is expected to show up. but the white house is directing him not to answer questions about events that took place after president trump was elected. jerry nadler calls the decision to keep the former aides from testifying a shocking and dangerous use of executive
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privilege. the manhattan district, opening a new front for the opening of trump's tax returns. he has asked his accounting company. mr. trump reimbursed his personal lawyer, $130,000, he paid to daniels to keep her from revealing an alleged affair with trump. he says he will fully come play with the legal obligations. the strike of gm gm has entered day two. workers are picketting at factories across the country. talks between the gm union and gm have been tense and negotiations have happened through monday night. and cnn has received a letter,
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saying that union members will receive health insurance until the end of the month. workers want fairing wages, and more rights for temporary employees. >> this is a battle for the middle class. we have to do this now. >> we're fighting for everybody. fighting for the lower class and the middle class. we have to make sure we're equal all together. >> the walkout could dent gm's profit by $50 million to $100 mrl million a day. the 2020 candidates taking different approaches. president trump holding a rally in new mexico, a state that hillary clinton won by eight points in 2016. and he targeted all of his democratic rivals for their positions on health care.
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we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. republicans in the trump administration are trying to get a court to avoid obamacare. and they have to no plans if they succeed. >> elizabeth warren in new york city. she received her top tier status after receiving a key endorsement. and she made the case that her liberal ideas can win the day. >> there's a lot at stake in this election. and people are scared. we can't choose a candidate because we're too scared to do anything else. >> the superwealthy, in fact, if i'm elected president, you're not going to get the tax cuts
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you got. i think we should be rewarding work as well as wealth. >> when i'm president, he can talk tough, and hug the flags. but i've faced a worse kind of incoming than a tweet full of typos. >> and kamala harris appeared on "the tonight show" last night. she's slow jamming the news with jimmy fallon. >> by now, we've seen the candidates get down and dirty on the debate stage. what about president trump? can you deliver it to the commander in cheese puff? >> i'm sure it will be a competitive face-off, where either one of us could end up on top. >> really? >> no. i'd wipe the floor with him. >> has a female politician done
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this before? >> not to my knowledge. >> every candidate should slow jam the news. another person has died from vaping-related illness, as that epidemic grows, another seems to be slowing, we'll tell you which. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shhhh. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too. and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long?! only mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours with 2 medicines in 1 pill.
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those darn seatbelts got me all crumpled up. that's ok! hey, guys! hi mrs. patterson... wrinkles send the wrong message. sorry. help prevent them before they start with new downy wrinkleguard. here! here! here! here! being here matters but the cold and flu keeps some students from being here up to 60 million days every year. introducing 'here for healthy schools' a new program from lysol, dedicated to curbing the spread of illness in classrooms by teaching healthy habits and partnering with a smart thermometer company. learn about our mission at
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♪ election day in israel. and today, prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu's fate is on the line, as he tries to hold off a challenge from benny gantz. he's trying to convince israeli voters that netanyahu is a threat to democracy. >> reporter: prime minister benjamin netanyahu is fighting for his political future. in an election too close to call, netanyahu is reupping his promise to annex the west bank and his time-tested strategy to boost supporters. warning the likud supporters, they're about to lose. >> translator: in the polls i received just four hours ago, we're losing. and we're losing not because i don't have a majority in the country. the majority of the country wants me to be prime minister. we're losing because likud voters are complacent.
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>> reporter: he got help from president trump. he celebrated the idea, never mind that israeli experts had reviewed and rejected the pact in the past. >> the united states prefers to have a certain degree of distance and denibiability give to them by a defense pact. >> reporter: benny gantz, now, his rival, is also doing interviews. his message, that netanyahu is a danger to democracy. >> translator: everyone who doesn't want to see a government that tramps the principle of democracy, must volt blue and white. >> reporter: these two men were separated by less than 15,000
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results. netanyahu thought he won with the coalition. both claimed victory that night. and both were, in the end, mistaken. >> one of the main questions, when you look at the exit polls and the results, can netanyahu or gantz form a government. it's possible the answer will be no. in that case, the only certain thing you can say, is that it looks like israel is headed for more political uncertainty. >> thanks for that. familiar faces are headed to netflix in two years. cnn business has answers next. kim is now demonstrating her congestion.
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save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move- kim nooooooo! only mucinex has a patented tablet that lasts 3x longer, for 12 hours.
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just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee
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they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. it's specially-designed with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. cascade platinum's unique actionpacs dissolve quickly... remove stuck-on food. . . for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. choose the detergent that lets your dishwasher do the dishes! cascade platinum. the number one recommended brand in north america.
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more than 3 million women in the united states, say their first sexual intercourse was forced or coerced. that's 1 in 16 women. 56% of the women say they were verbally pressured. 46% say they were held down. according to researchers, those women faced more long-term health consequences compared to peers who had a consensual first experience. a police officer in tuscaloosa, alabama, fatally shot in an exchange of gunfire, with a suspect which is now in custody. he was a 13-year veteran of the tuscaloosa police force. he was working on a tip that a wanted felon was at his home
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when he arrived monday night. the suspect ran inside and opened fire. he died at the hospital and was engaged to be married. seven deaths nationwide are blamed on vaping. health officials confirming a fatality linked to the use of e-cigarettes. there's been two vaping-related deaths in california. kansas, illinois, arizona and oregon have one fatality. the centers for disease control is bolstering its response to lung injuries caused by vaping. there were no new measles cases reported in the u.s. last week. that's the first time it happened since early january. there's 241 cases. most cases were among people that were not vaccinated. health officials continue in two
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new york counties. a flower recall because of e. coli contamination. the bags have a better if used by date of september 6th, 2020. the company says it issued the voluntary recall out of abundance of caution. there's no illnesses related to the product. he has the moves like spicer. ♪ >> the shirt. the former white house press secretary making his debut on "dancing with the stars." it wasn't pretty. the outfit screamed big bird. and his partner described him as dancing at a pre-preschool level. >> gutsy wearing that shirt, though, man. "saturday night live" has fired shane gillis days after the comedian was introduced as a
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new cast member. clips from a podcast he is heard making racist remarks as early as last year. they say the vetting process was not up to their standard. gillis said this about his ouster -- i was a comedian that was funny enough to get snl. they can't take that away. i respect the decision they made. i'm grateful for the opportunity. i was always a "mad tv" guy anyway. >> andrew yang, one of many he targeted, said gillis' shots were cheap shots but give him a second chance. >> you can forgive people, particularly in an instance, in any mind, it was in a comedic context or a gray area. i thought it would be positive. it's in nbc's hands. >> he says he will be sitting
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down with the comedian in coming days. take a look at global markets after the rocky day yesterday. a mixed performance, really around the world here. hong kong stocks down. and on wall street, look at the futures. they are leaning lower here. the energy secotor, interesting to watch. a really wild rally yesterday. stocks finished lower. oil futures settled almost 15% higher. that's remarkable. they're above $62 a barrel. snapping an eight-day winning streak. the s&p 500 and the nasdaq fell, as well. drivers may begin to notice higher prices at the pump soon.
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but increases may be minimal. we're hearing from 10 cents a gallon to 20 credibilients a ga. some might make it slow. $2.56 a gallon, according to aaa. demand for the new iphone seems off to a good start. since apple began accepting preorders, early demand for the phones was better than last year. declining iphone sales has been a drag on business. netflix may be losing michael scott and chandler bing but gaining other familiar faces. >> i was there, i saw a drain. >> when is a drain a toilet? >> seinfeld is heading to netflix in 2021. nabbing the rights to "seinfeld" is a big deal.
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disney and nbc pull shows from netflix. >> it will be interesting to see if young kids take to seinfeld the way they took to "the office" and "friends." >> it is gold. thanks to our international viewers were joining us. for our u.s. viewers, quali"early start" continues right now. ♪ i don't want war with anybody. i'm not looking to get into new conflict. but sometimes you have to. >> the president is staring down competing interests on iran. big threats or make a big deal? overnight, the supreme leader says talks are off the table. the first impeachment hearing is today. but don't expect to hear much from three witnesses, if two show up, on orders from the


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